Thursday 17 October 2013

Introducing.... Paul Tetley

Paul and his family
(images all rights reserved)

Who are you?

I mostly do property maintenance with a growing interest in landscaping as well, I try to make the best use of what a property has to offer. I'd like to be self sufficient and have a lot more time to spend `building stuff' with the boys and their mum!

What would you like to do for a holiday?

Go back to Arrowtown and look for more Gold! or to Australia or America and go real treasure hunting with the boys...

What do you enjoy about being on the Board of Trustees?

Our BOT is privileged to have a great administration team at the school who work tirelessly to improve all aspects of the school and teachers. It's great to be a part of this and in contact with that team and understand so much more about all the different levels of `our education system'. It is a very good way to learn so much more about how wonderful the school is on a deeper level also.

What other connection do you have to the school?

My wife grew up in this school, some of her teachers are still here! We have three boys, we expect all of them will grow up right here too! I, on the other hand, went to primary and intermediate school in the Philippines.

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